Friday, March 15, 2013

Action Research Plan

After many hours and revisions, I think I finally have a final preliminary draft of my plan.  I think . . . . : )Here goes nothing!

RESEARCH QUESTION:  How would the implementation of a “flipped classroom” that is aligned to the state standards and school vision of a rigorous curriculum effect academic achievement of students in World Geography?
GOAL:  To determine whether a “flipped classroom” will improve student academic achievement in World Geography.


1.  Investigate articles and blogs about flipped classroom models.
(Setting the Foundation)
Traci Graham
April 2013 – May 2013
Blogs and articles on flipped classrooms.
Research best practices of those flipping the classroom.
2. Create a cadre of teachers who will implement the flipped classroom model during the 2013-2014 school year.
(Setting the Foundation)
Mary Peacock
Dr. Leone Clark
Traci Graham
April 2013 – May 2013
Semester Class Averages
CBA Test Scores

Survey candidates to determine their willingness to flip their classroom model.
3.  Collaborate with members of the science department that are currently implementing the flipped model in order to research the advantages and disadvantages of the model.
(Developing Understanding)
Traci Graham
Carey Driskell
Dr. Leone Clark
Tiffaney Clark
Kristen Sledge
April 2013 – May 2013
Meeting location
Discuss best practices, things to improve upon and ways to be uniform with flipped Biology classes as we work to flip the World Geography classroom.
4.  Survey students and parents of those currently involved in flipped classroom instruction in Biology.
(Analyze Data)
Traci Graham
Careen Howard
May 2013
Online Survey
Gather input from major stakeholders in the flipped classroom model.
5.  Observe classrooms using the flipped model of instruction.
(Exploring Patterns)
Traci Graham
Kristen Sledge
May 2013
Questionnaire of things to look for while observing.
Investigate more closely what a successful flipped classroom looks like.
6.  Determine the technology platform to be used to upload materials, while being user friendly and being aligned to our district technology initiative.
(Determining Direction)
Traci Graham
Careen Howard
Brandon Weaver
April 2013 – May 2013
Technology Policies and Procedures

Software information and data
Monitor the ease of teacher and student use of various software including edmodo, live binders and moodle.
7.  Upload current items that can be utilized from the curriculum bundles into the technology platform that will be implemented.
(Self Reflection)
World Geography Cadre
June 2013 - August 2013
Curriculum Bundles

Share Drive Resources
Self Reflection
8.  Create podcasts and vodcasts for  each curriculum bundle in order for students to use for their interactive notebooks and Cornell note taking activities.
(Taking Action)
World Geography Cadre
June 2013 – August 2013
Curriculum Bundles

Share Drive Resources


Video Camera
Self Reflection
9.  Create a pre survey for students that will be utilizing the flipped classroom model in World Geography. 
(Analyze Data)
Traci Graham
Careen Howard
August 2013
Online Survey
Analyze student knowledge of a flipped classroom prior to utilizing the flipped classroom model.
10.  Monitor the progress of student completion of assignments by interviewing teachers monthly.
(Sustaining Improvement)
Traci Graham
Mary Peacock
Dr. Leone Clark
August 2013-January 2013
Collaborative Meeting Time
Discuss the progress of implementation.
11.  Analyze data from cadre teachers on CBA 1,2 and 3 to determine the success of the flipped program as compared to the same teachers that used a traditional approach in 2012-2013.
(Data Analysis)
(Sustaining Improvement)
Traci Graham
Mary Peacock
Dr. Leone Clark
August 2013 - January 2014
Aware Data
Using the data from Aware comparisons can be made from the same teachers at the same point in 2012-2013 using traditional teaching methods with the flipped classroom methods.  Data can also be used to compare the flipped classroom cadre of teachers with those using traditional methods.
12.  Blog regarding findings from student test performance data and other data analysis techniques to share the findings of the action research plan.
(Sustaining Improvement)
Traci Graham
World Geography Cadre
August 2013 - January 2014
Aware Data
Collaborative Interviews
Focus Groups
Present findings to World Geography team, campus faculty and others regarding our action plan and improve by using information gathered from this investigation.


  1. WOW Traci!!! This plan looks awesome! It is very detailed, and it looks to me that you have covered every step along the way. You have considered activities that I hadn't thought of... haha... I might go back to the drawing board now!

    I am really very excited about your research topic! The flipped classroom is something I have really wanted to develop and study with my own students. While I done several "flipped" lessons, I haven't had the opportunity to really flip my class for the entire year. I wish I had really taken the initiative to do the process in it's entirety! In my experience, the process seemed to work really well. The only trouble I really had in flipping the few lessons I did occurred because of certain students' lack of internet/technology resources. I began putting my lecture recordings on flash drives and checking those out to students who did not have internet access. In doing this, the students who at least had computer access with not internet could view the lessons. The other steps we took as a district was to open the school computer lab an hour before and after school so that students could view the lectures there. We also became friends with our community librarian and explained what we would be doing in our classrooms. There were many students who were able to go the public library and watch these lessons there. I look forward to hearing about your research! Good luck "flipping" the education world!

  2. One more thing... There is a guy in my section of this course that is also conducting his action research on the "flipped classroom." His name is Anthony Bonazzi (sp?). Not sure if you are already following his blog, but I thought it would be helpful for you guys to possibly share ideas. Hope this helps!

  3. This is the first I have heard of a flipped classroom. This research will be interesting to see the results. I'm a teacher at Bonnette..I had NO CLUE they were doing this in Deer Park! Very cool! Let me know if you need any help analyzing your data, etc, since we're in the same district! (P.S. I used to teach at North and South Campus!)

  4. I have also never heard of a flipped classroom and am eager to see the results of your plan and how it works out. Your plan is structurally sound and viewing your plan actually helped me in the structural formation of mine! Your timeline is strategically spaced apart so you have ample time to research each component of your plan. I am eager to see your results and I think its a good idea that you are focusing just on World Geography. Don't want to make the topic too broad. Nice work!

  5. Hello Traci! First of all, LOVE the format of your blog. Looks great! Next, I can not wait to see your research progress. The high schools in our district are struggling with a new 1:1 Ipad initiative in which every student in every high school has been issued an Ipad. In my high school, one of the teachers who is most successful in using the Ipad in his lesson plans is a World Geography teacher. Many of the other teachers in our Social Studies Department are uncertain about how to use the IPad and have refused to implement them or to allow the students to use them in classroom exercises. Needless to say, I will be following your progress so that I can pass it on to friends in the Social Studies Department. Good luck to you with this research!

  6. Traci,
    Just when I thought I was done with my preliminary final, I look at yours and realize I should change a few things. With that being said, Great job it looks very well done. I am looking forward to staying in contact so we can collaborate on how things are going.

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